

Ark: Corruption Transcendence

By: Nephus
Addon | img 29,937



Welcome to Ark Corruption Transcendence

Welcome to the recreation of corruption; however, transcendence seeks to take control and make it even stronger than before. Will you be able to stop corruption before it takes shape?

Corruption Transcendence challenges players to survive primally in an ever-shifting world where every creature might either be an ally or foe. Craft the Transcended DNA fuser item for progress while gathering creatures and defeating bosses sent down to kill or take over your Ark.

Current Status of Mod: There are multiple Tiers available including Tier 1.

Fallen Angelic with 3x multiplier split into two variants Ouranius and Naraka

Nightmaric will receive an increase of 9x.

Arcane with a 22,5x multiplier divides into eight variants which include Transmutation, Conjuration, Illusion Divination Enchantment Necromancy Evocation and Abjuration

At present only the first two subvariant are playable but more will be introduced over time. The Arcane Tier has proven useful as it acts as an intermediate step from early game to mid game gameplay in a mod; additionally some creatures such as Athalon The Corrupted Phoenix do not belong in an organized hierarchy and could present more challenges! Athalon is an Athalonean creature capable of dispensing quests to you and your allies (currently unimplemented). By fulfilling its assignments, Athalon will progress further toward becoming its next form. As soon as this stage has been reached, Phoenix will evolve further towards reaching its next phase. Give out more difficult quests that offer better rewards to players like saddles and armor upgrades, however if you evolve Athalon and his allies they will provide your creatures with buffs for increased survival - Athalon currently being the sole one capable of dispensing quests.

We are still testing to identify the optimal way of having these mods work together.

Credits: Thanks you to Aether and Chaos for their wonderful musical accompaniment Gunn3r for creating meshes and ChosenSlimes for creating our logo as well as to our amazing discord community for their brilliant ideas!

NOTE: Bugs may be reported via discord server and suggestions offered there as well. Join in on our fun.

About Project

Created: February 13th 2024

Updated: February 13th 2024

Project ID: 61855

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

Nephus_Ark: Corruption
  • Release
  • February 13th 2024


    Recent File

    Nephus_Ark: Corruption
  • Release
  • February 13th 2024




