

RPG Apocalypse Evolution [RPGAE]

By: lesson 666
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Language Suggestion is in Chinese Mode; non Chinese modes may lead to errors. [H1=Overview] Do you wish for an extraordinary personal journey? Our talent system comprises over 120 types, providing limitless combinations that could reach billions.
This module was produced with MCreator and requires Java 8. The author expanded upon it without making major modifications, for an increased adventure experience! You may add this piece into other integration packages for even greater fun! [H1=gameplay] [H2=level system]
This module assigns each player with an individual level system that can be seen using the Tab button; against monsters to gain experience for combat and upgrade as you level up; upgrade talent points when reaching full combat experience for upgrades to personalize talent point assignments to create their own style;
Death Penalty: Combat experience will be deducted according to one's level.
[h2=Monster System Update] Neutral and hostile creatures now have the chance of evolving into increasingly difficult monsters as you fight them; their stats could increase randomly across 8 areas depending on their level and random number; you gain combat experience as you defeat these foes;
Rising World Difficulty Level! Continuous Upgrade! Choose your appropriate difficulty to begin playing this game: Difficult: World Level Increases One Step Every Sixteen Minutes
Normal: World Level Increases one step Every 32 minutes.
Easy: World level increases one level every 64 minutes. To increase level monster chances, player level and lunar phase factors must both increase simultaneously; also world level, player level, moon phase and random number all affect level monster generation levels;
Level Punishments and Rewards: Killing monsters of lower level enemies reduces combat experience; the more differences, the less experience gained from killing these opponents. On the contrary, killing creatures higher than your level can yield over twofold experience gains--with greater gains accrued when killing inferior monsters than superior. The more inferior, the higher will be your rewards!
Level monsters have a 5-percent chance of evolving into elite monsters and receiving one or more personality-defining talents; boss monsters have 0.5%. When randomly selecting talents with fixed bases (Night Pearls for instance will receive 50% Scourge talents); randomly choose two to four talents from this stable selection pool for boss monsters to join this random selection; you could randomly pick another two talents like this in addition to any fixed ones (Surge talents in particular could give Night Pearl monsters an unfair edge!).
Gain 4 times as much combat experience than originally intended by defeating this level and enjoy its bonus experience;
Failure requires collecting one talent fruit as victory criteria. Combat creatures will show their biological health; elite monsters or boss monsters with talents can be revealed by right-clicking on them; for elite monsters with biological talents (ie boss monsters), this right-click will also display them biological talent (see [h2]Talent System for details]. [h3=Talent System]
An effective talent system begins with selecting talent points of 5, enabling a wide variety of talents that require different amounts; better talents will require additional points; some even have negative talent points (selected to increase talent points for you but actually working against you);
At first, there will be an assortment of 10-27 talents for you to select, with just 6 slots for them - making the selection process an important one; don't waste talent points by being careless with how they're spent; it could cost your character dearly in future adventures!
Different combinations can create their own distinctive styles, including mining kings, economic experts, combat experts, cavalry archers tank assassins or monster hunters - as well as being carefree farmers explorers of the world monster hunters etc. Once selected a talent cannot be changed (though future updates may include talent washing items).
[h2=Quality System]
We introduce the idea of quality systems, with various props featuring qualities which affect actual results; The probability of quality can be broken down as follows: 25% inferior, 53% ordinary, 20% excellent and 2% perfect
Props made of different materials will have differing ratings; quality cannot be directly assessed using this system and must instead be identified through scroll analysis; however, you could just as easily use it without much thought if perfect props are desired. [H2=forging system]
At the upgrade stage, forging requires using an artificial formula consisting of placing an emerald at the center of a circle of stones, with each forging using one emerald for consumption and increasing randomly in weapon areas by 10. In turn, any equipment and main item bonuses derived during forging will also be added directly onto character panels.
As levels increase for forging items, success rates decrease due to degradation after failure. Additional minerals can help boost success rates: Iron ingot+5%; Gold ingot+10%; Diamond+20%; Alloy ingot+30%
Low level forging ingot (purchased from a toolmaker) does not consume forging time; [h2=Transfer System] To obtain qualifications and complete transfer tasks without hassle. Press "L" for status display of progress.
Death occurred while performing the transfer task and its progress has been reset back to zero. If you die once during job transfer, any associated attribute (whether acquired via death or previous attribute) will transfer with it (whether that means receiving it all over again or simply not receiving anything new).
Career Overviews (to be added in later versions): No profession; warrior, assassin, archer, tank, farmer, fisherman, mason carpenter archer sea king forge mage shield warrior crazy warrior and thief ([h2=Skill System]. [H3 = Skill Level System].
Use ZXC to activate skills, while customizing and configuring buttons within "Control." Skill acquisition methods: BOSS monster drops/purchase from various village professions at level 4;
Skill learning depends heavily on one's current profession;mant the cooldown and mana of any given skill are random numbers within certain parameters; even when learning identical abilities, their mana and cooldown may vary significantly between people even though their mana and cooldown levels remain the same.
Skills can be upgraded through proficiency releases. When proficiency reaches [skill level]x[skill level] x100, an upgrade occurs and mana and cooldown reduction by 10% are seen after each upgrade of any one skill.
Initial maximum blue amount set at 100 and restored every 60 seconds by way of 1 droplet being restored every 60 seconds.
Current Skills List:
Sprint, Retreat, Stealth, Fury Night Vision Rain of Arrows From the Sky Strong Mountain Maturation mockery Shadow Lucky Box Little Fireball Big Fireball Sea Burial Strike Fly Flash Summon Puppet Summon Iron Puppet Satiety Blood Shield Tear Tide Energy Breaking Earth Quickly Recovering Wind Strike Fist Unyielding Poisoned Arrow Charge Arrow Tide Energy Tide Binding. BINDING
Updated the "Large, Medium and Small Experience Books" to reduce difficulty when upgrading, with Elite Stranger being removed/Librarian bought; In creation mode the Monster Wand has also been improved to enable custom assigning of monster talents;
Creation mode now features an updated Attribute Detector which displays monster attributes; [( Identification scroll )], which helps detect high quality items with synthetic formula at its base;
Forgotten Potion (Quality): With Forgotten Potion you can select new talents to unlock and purchase them through Elite Monster Drops/4th level priests; poor-quality reserves [current level] will gain you five times combat experience while ordinary reserves [current level] x20 experience are necessary while excellent reserves [current level] 50 experience are enough; perfect reserves [current level] offer 100 experience!;
[( BOSS Challenge Prop )], 0.1% gain from fishing/elite monster drop/BOSS drop/achievement probability gain;
Elite Monster Challenge Prop: Fishing with 1% chance to buy from level 5 priest/Elite Monster Drop/BOSS Drop;
Death of the Last Shadow Dragon)], summoning and summoning down the Last Shadow Dragon for boss monster drop/achievement; Basic Combat Transfer Scroll (Quality), purchased via Level 3 Library Management/monster drop;
Basic Life Transfer Scroll (Quality), purchased from Level 3 Library Management Office/monster drop; [Bow Cavalry Transfer Scroll (Quality), monster drops;
[Sea King Transfer Scroll (Quality), monster drop/0.1% fishing;
Forging Master Transfer Scroll (Quality), with monster drops/0.1% forging.
Scrolls of Magician Transfer (Quality), Monster Drops/1% Witch Drops; [Thief Transfer Scroll (Quality), Obtaining Path Monster Drop/Sand Bandit Tent] (Forging Upgrade Platform ) comes equipped with an effective formula designed to strengthen any item;
Scroll of Shield Warrior Transfer (Quality), Monster Drops;
Roll (Quality) of Crazy Warrior Transfer with Monster Drops; [Guardian Potion], resistance+50% and refining material of luminescent Obsidian +water bottle; "Blue Amount Potion", 20 and refining materials are lapis lazuli+water bottle
[Talent Forbidden Potion], to block shared and monster talents. Refine materials needed are Red Stone+Blue Potion; [( Skill Forgetting Potion )], Forgetting Skill Refining Material Flame Stick+Forgetting Potion; [Heavy Potion (Soul Sand+Water Bottle);
2. Refining Materials: Soul Earth + Heavy Potion
Low level forging ingot, used on the upgrade platform for forging, does not consume forging times and can be purchased from toolmakers.
Trap, cause damage and slow down, as well as create a universal time formula. Hunter/Mercenary Workbench: Right click to access bounty panel GUI and submit items at random times that refresh after submission; obtain methods related to recipe synthesis from this workbench/Mercenary or Hunter Cabins may also come available here for use. [h1=new structure]
Hunter's Cabin can spawn anywhere between Plain, Jungle and Plateaus at 300 weight (for each location). Finally a Pirate Ship may also spawn at depths greater than 30 on its surface sea surface - both these structures may include mercenaries as inhabitants (although only new organisms).
Beginning with a random Chinese name and starting with three talents at first level, their abilities can be upgraded through level and experience points gained when killing creatures with health >15 and level monsters that award experience points accordingly.
Stealth right click can donate items to mercenaries to increase employment time or replenish food reserves (damage recovery will consume these), replace equipment that mercenaries need or exchange main items as follows: Emerald = increase employment time; Food = replenish food reserves (damage recovery consumes it all up); Equipment = replace their gear while Other = exchange main items if your health value falls below 20% and you want to escape.
" When not employed for hire, I return to my mercenary cabin each evening." KET: When hunting I always return back home. KET
With level and experience upgrades available for monsters of higher level (those whose health exceeds 15), as well as level monsters receiving experience points when killed - their experience points will grow with every kill! For every experience point earned through killing creatures of health 15 or greater or leveled monsters earned as rewards, that experience point will accrue more rapidly as their level increases.
Stealth right click can give hunters items to aid their hunting experience and extend employment times: Emerald will increase working time; food reserves (damage recovery will consume it); equipment will replace hunter equipment and bow will replace main hand items - when approached by monsters they will flee! When approached directly monsters will flee if approached directly causing hunters no harm! When approached directly monsters will flee.
Hunters actively target cows, chickens and pigs while fighting among themselves when attacked by others. When not hired I will return to Hunter's Cabin at night; Pirate: With up to three talents; powerful repelling effects and high attack speed.
Loss requires 2 combat experience points;alitat Sand bandits will not actively attack impoverished, unarmed players as they consider them slaves; however once players hold items or armor they become hostile and should they become vulnerable their behavior will change;
Gold Ingots when packed into players backpacks will cause Sand Bandits to emerge at nighttime in packs to attack other players, villages, animals and villages with 2 talent trees; one will emerge as leader with 4 talents and 30 defense bonus. Each Sand Bandit comes equipped with two talents for attack; however only one may become the leader with four talents and 30 defense bonus.
There are four sand bandits living together in one nest, who each bring with them their own tent when spawning. When defeated, two combat experiences must be earned as punishment; by customizing Game Rules Customization settings or by using commands like: [h1=Game Opening Creation Map - Rules Customization - Miscellaneous Items Customization], any two of which must be obtained before progress can resume in game play..
Custom opening talent points/gamerule talentpoint values; Custom level monster probability/generate generation value (0-100); If you want a greater challenge, set this value higher;
Check whether custom monster natural disaster talents are valid/game rules natural disaster talents are true/false; Determines the probability that elite level monsters appear within custom level monsters/gamerule creamgeneration value (default 50; unit: 1/1000);
Custom World Level Monster/Gamerule Boss Gen Value (Default 5/1 1000); Time Required To Upgrade From Grade Level (World_grade_ Time Value (Default 100/1);
Customise the custom monster's employment time multiplier/Gamerule employmenttime number (by default set at 10, double 20);
Set whether its monster will automatically jump/Gamerule monsterjumps true/False for automatic jumping (the default being enabled); And customize whether to enable Monster Climbing/Monsterclimb False/Enable Monster Climbing. (these options should all remain at false by default.).
Are custom BOSS generation attacks accompanied by thunder/gamerule bosstunder (by default, enabled); Or do custom attacks display health values/bloodvolumedisplay true ( by default enabled)
Install a configuration file (it should appear in your game root directory after entering) by following these defaults and editing with Notepad; [Apocalypse Evolution] Configuration File.json will allow further modifications if required.
"Prompt: "Write down the name of an object/entity below; if written in English, pay special attention to its case before changing to match what appears in game (emerald is used instead in game). Please also keep in mind there may be strange immortal bugs present within Shadow Dragon or Decay levels in BOSS; therefore it would be prudent to disable those as soon as possible".
Disable special creature level monster generation for "Final Shadow Dragon, Fading, Mercenary Villager Wandering Merchant Squid Cod Salmon; Do tame creatures have level monsters? Yes and the animal does not "No; For Mercenaries Items use [Emerald]. When setting Monster Talent "[Format] [Format] " and player talents ([Format] [Format]);
After making modifications, enter "configureRPGAE" as a command in-game to change its configuration file. For any issues or glitches encountered during gameplay, submit them immediately by following these steps in this Author Appendix:

About Project

Created: March 15th 2024

Updated: March 15th 2024

Project ID: 84139

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

lesson 666_RPG Apocalypse Evolution [RPGAE].zip
  • Release
  • March 15th 2024


    Recent File

    lesson 666_RPG Apocalypse Evolution [RPGAE].zip
  • Release
  • March 15th 2024



    lesson 666

