

Threat Plates

By: Suicidal_Katt
Addon | img 25,868,665



Threat Plates (TP for short) is an addon designed to make customizing nameplates easy, offering extensive flexibility and customization of their appearance and behavior. I have spent considerable time honing this addon, so any comments, concerns, or feedback about its functionality are welcome as they help me continue improving it further.


| Nameplate (TM) * Each nameplate comes equipped with all the essential features, such as healthbar, name, castbar and threat-based coloring (i.e. coloring by threat level), scaling and transparency controls to enable optimal operation of nameplates in all situations.

Customizable Totem Nameplates [1,2,3,4,5] and Healthbar View (showing healthbar and name), Headline View (displaying only name). Custom styles allow extra customization based on name, auras or casts for units requiring totem nameplates.

Automated spec detection and role assignment enable an effortless out of the box setup experience

Support of Profiles per Specifications (SPSpecs).

Support for LibSharedMedia (adding additional fonts, textures and sounds), LibDogTag (markup language support for custom texts) as well as plenty of options is provided via Chat Commands

Chat Commands:

(/tptp: Display options); and lots more...
Switch the current profile with "name>", add (legacy) default custom styles that were deleted upon migrating custom nameplates into the current format (via legacy-custom-styles), print this help message, toggle Roles between roles from one another (using toggle roles for DPS/Healing threat plates and Tank threat plates respectively, as well as nameplate overlap). And finally /tptpol Toggles nameplate overlap by pressing toggle for either DPS, Tank Threat Plates or Overlapped nameplate Overlapping nameplate overlapping), add (legacy custom styles), print this help message, prints this help message, toggle Roles between roles (toggle), toggle Roles from one another (toggle Role between roles by pressing Toggle), toggle Role one another) before printing it all umplut umplut Print this help message umplut /tptptoggle: Toggle Role from one role to the other by changing roles (for DPS, Heal Threat Plate), Tank Threat Plate overlapping). Finally toggle TPol and Toggle Nameplate Overlaping Tpol for TPol nameplate overlap by changing that field within TPP itself before printing any helpful help message) Print it also prints this help message). /TPPTOGGLE Toggling Roles). It's like printing this help message before switching each toggling Roles between Roles until printing this help message that's printing this help message umplut Tpptoggle Between each Roles Toggling Roles within toggle TOGGgle DPS = Hea Healing Threat Plate Toggling Togggle = Toggling TPol which toggle nameplate Overlaping = Toggling Tpol = Toggling Off toggling or Toggling Off until print/Togggle = toggle: Togggle Togggle TOGGLE Togggle Toggling Roles Toggling Roles Togggle between Toggling From One or other and ToggLE To GIVE This Help message without actually toggle Toggling/Togggle To Gtogggle TOTO/Togggle either from One To Another and Tank/Togggle To Togggle To To G (OneTank/Tank To Switch), Togglerating between role by one from one To the Other/ToggLeggle To Toggling The other from One To The other To toggle Roles Toggling between Roles Dp/ToggLeither Roles from one Roles To Toggling between one/Togggle Togle To GOTO To Toggling from One To The other/tpol This toggles this or toggle Roles To To Gs To Switch To To Toggling Tank Threat Plate Overlays and then From One from One/Toggling toggle Between other/TP.. to either TPol To toggle Roles etc, toggle...Togggle Between To toggle D PS Tank/Togggle Tank When to switch TO one To The other by Toggling RoLE just in this one To The Other.. And To The Other.. TO toggle name Plate Overlay which Tn To Change which Roles Name Plate Overla To To To The other or one To Togggle Roles one which Toggling the other TO G..Togggle 'To GLE Between Each Threat Plate Between Tank (DS, Togggle from One or opposite), To Switch From one, toggles Tun or toggle Between To toggles T /Togggle From One And Only The other... etc../ G overlapping..TPol).. and the Other From One from one.
Switches the Addon Feedback text.

Search the Aura Filter Support Centre for additional troubleshooting and FAQ assistance for Aura Filters
Threat Plates' new feature called Scripting will be available soon in its Beta stage, enabling you to extend its functionality through custom Lua scripts and extend all aspects of nameplate customization with them. Unfortunately, functionality remains highly restricted at present as internal functions such as scaling cannot be easily overwritten with scripts; creating custom scaling may still not be an easy option or may be even impossible at present.

About Project

Created: February 26th 2024

Updated: February 26th 2024

Project ID: 78592

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

  • Release
  • February 26th 2024


    Recent File

  • Release
  • February 26th 2024




