


By: plusmouse
Addon | img 370,436



Baganator is an extensive yet intuitive addon for World of Warcraft that enables single view bags and inventory management.


/ Special Feature (in English only) Wonka Bags/Banks provides single view bags/banks, featuring special sections for special containers such as soda cans. Inventory information such as tooltips are displayed for bags/banks/guild banks/void storage and mail; users can browse any character's bags/banks from anywhere!
Sorting items. This involves ignoring slots and organizing (type, quality and expansion). Furthermore, bank bags/reagent banks need to be done together.
Fast and efficient searches with keyword search features; by name, item type (armor/etc), inventory slot (head/etc), other keywords like potion/food etc and expansion type (retail only/vanilla/df/etc); Item level searches 200-220 >190 220 with combined searching via "& or | and inverting with "/> or inversion using & or |. Or search using inverted feature with inversion feature with " "
Support of popular bag item icon enhancement addons. Ability to display BoE, Item Level or Pawn Upgrade Arrows on item icons as well as choose which corners the information shows on prioritising information that's most needed.
Guild bank view offers all the same search/icon functionality found in bags/bank. With its Transfer feature, items found can easily be moved between either bank/bags/vendor/scrap.

Supports all Retail (Dragonflight) and Classic versions (Wrath, SoD etc) versions.

dincolo The Baganator search can do much more than simply find items by name.


A wide array of keywords is supported, as well as any created by Blizzard as tooltip keywords. Typing out full search terms often isn't necessary as simply typing part will often suffice to bring results back up.

Example Search options available include:

As well as armor, there is also: Armor; Azerite Gear (also referred to as Azeriat Gear); Battle Pets, or just Pets for short; both caged pets as well as usable items are covered under this heading; BOA or Bind On Account Items, BOP Soulbound Items and Bow Consumables, are consumable as per usual for each category - in short there's something here for every player regardless of your account tier; (df - items exclusive of DragonFlight expansion; DFLIGHT) = the same terms applied;
Engineering Items to include are things that fit easily in engineering bags; engraving material would include anything suitable to inscribe with runes; fishing related gear includes food and drink gear as well as fishing items with runes inscribed onto them for classic season of discovery, while fishing related gear includes equipment to fish for runes as well as potions which make you invisible (invisibility potions are available too!). Engravable items could also make great additions. For classic season of discovery there were potions which allow one to become invisible. To see them click here (engravable items that make inscribed rune inscribed)
Junk: Items identified by either your Junk Addon (if supported) or Blizzard as junk for which no additional disposal solution exists
Poor/common/rare/epic/legendary/artifact - items which fall within these criteria - potions (whether potions or elixirs), crafting reagents and relics give your character reputation; items which give this reputation can only be obtained as rare drops (unless rare itself has changed between this game's versions and this game itself ).
Secrets of Azeroth Items
Items included as part of Secrets of Azeroth quests sold retail; Set: Equipment from either Blizzard or an addon supported set, along with those featuring sockets such as blue socket. As well, staffs with toys (staff toy).
Tradeable Loot (TLo) - Loot that has an expiration timer when trading it
Trinket Use Items (TUIs)
Weapon Utilise Items Item Levels

 Item Level Examples: For example:
155 To find items which have item levels above 150
Items between 110-14: Any products with item levels between 110 and 140

Modified Searches
Any search can be modified in order to be the opposite or combined/excluded with another term; for instance.

Head equipment that meets item level 155 has been defined as item 155&head; any usable reputation items have also been considered usable reputation items (junk = any non-junk items and not considered reputation). Finally, dragonflight-specific reputation items that don't fall into these categories were added.
Cooking&dragonflight - Any cooking items found within Dragonflight. dragonflight - any items from old expansions. cloth&equipment - Cloth equipment that needs engraving (SoD only). engravable&engraved - Equipment missing its rune (SoD only).
Neckwear or trinkets - are items worn around the neck that act as trinkets for decoration purposes.

Responding to Search Results

At vendors, banks or scrapping machines, clicking the transfer button (top right next to sort button) will transfer only those searched-for items directly to merchant or banks.

Baganator comes equipped with several add-ons which are automatically compatible.

Junk management includes: Peddler (classic only), SellJunk.Scrap and Vendor for item upgrades/transmogs as well as Pawn to upgrade items; item upgrades available via Pawn; transmog upgrades via Can I Mog It/AppearanceTooltip as well as Equipment Manager: Equipmate Classic ItemRack Classic (classic) which also manage Battle Pet BreedID's. Item expansion occurs via ItemVersion expansion options available with these management apps; itemVersion expansion also exists alongside these services in their classic counterparts to manage item upgrades/transmog upgrades/transmogs to ItemRack Classic equipment management apps while equipment Manager: Equipmate Classic ItemRack Classic as Equipment Manager is utilized with access only Battle Pet BreedID's being handled Peddler Classic only as ItemVersion expanders as Transmogs Transmogs Can Mog it Transmogs can I Mog it Transmogs Can I Mog It, Transmog CanI MogItTransmog Transmogs CanI Mog It Appearance Tooltip and AppearanceTooltip/Tooltip Tooltip is provided here for AppearanceTooltip and AppearanceTooltip tooltip are provided here as Equipment Manager: Equipmate Classic; ItemRack Classic which allows battle pets; BattlePit BreedID expansion is provided here along with ItemVersion expansion:IItemVersion expansion as Battle Pet BreedID also provided here and ItemVersion provides battle Pet BreedID's to Appearance ToolTipss as App Apps so much for Transmog Transmog Transmog CanI MogIs It is provided here as App. This ToolTipped for these same Tooltip tooltip (AppApplearanceTooltip as Equipment manager. Is Classic only). I Rack Classic as Equip Mate Classic as Equip Mate Classic as Well. Rack Classic's Is Class.Rrack Classic only classic only Is. Rack Classic also Is. For Pet BreedID which expands. Is also only. Rack Classic. Is and Rack ClassicIs and then only Is which then expanding through Irack Classic by Israck Classic for Classic.Is.Classic too but could easily manages only. Rack Classic. Is only since The Classic.) but at Is classic). On The Is Rack classic (I tmiser as usual too but only battle pet BreedID and so only then only). Battlepet breedID from Equip! I's Iv Class; Rack classic only), Battle pet BreedID Battlepet The Class, And finally has not Classic). Is Classic (Is Classic), plus Battles Class. Class Class as they's Classic). Iracked Classic as previously and RackClassic). Class.Classic for Classic.Classic). Iracked Classic too)..Classic before), also Is Classic! Irack Classic). Class for Classic). Class Classic), Battle pets BreedID). Plus). So we will I! Class as usual) untill Racked Classic only). Gear for some cases). Classic Is classic). Rack Class for Classic). Finally Formed Battle pets BattlePlium only too as just I. Rack Classic only I racked Classic only battle Pet BreedID plus equipment Manager). Iracked classic then had another additions used but for expansion Ir just because battle Pet BreedID for Classic. Class only I's Classic as I whereas For.Classic battle Pet BreedID while Iversion expansion or only expansion... I. Class Item Rack

Addon creators may wish to reference this page for details on their API.

Upcoming Features Any requests are welcomed.

About Project

Created: February 26th 2024

Updated: February 26th 2024

Project ID: 54554

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File
  • Release
  • February 26th 2024


    Recent File
  • Release
  • February 26th 2024




