This library allows you to color strings easily by using hex code, color tables and other information.
Hexadecimal code of 8 or 6 characters. [ ] Like 9E342C. Alpha is optional.
{color table in two variants: Two color tables in two variations: , , , or { ["r"] = , ["g"] = , ["b"] = , ["a"] = }
Class names support English and localized names for non-english clients
ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS as quality[number] and lower string version of ITEM_QUALITY[number]_DESC
Or keywords
The playerclass color will change to the existing players class.
Second parameter cannot be a color string
Not set second parameter returns color code in hex
The string "colortable", as second parameter, returns the color requested as a color table
lib = LibStub("LibColors-1.0")
Convert a number from 0 to 1 into a Hex Code between 00-ff
String = lib :num2hex ( number)
Converts color tables that are numeric or associated into an 8-character long color code.
Assoc_table= r=0.8,g=0.8,b=0.1,a =1
numeric_table = {
Red 0.8
Green 0.8
Blue 0.8
Alpha 1
string = lib:colorTable2HexCode( table )
Any table entries that are not defined, or have a nil value will be ignored.
An empty table will return the hexcode for white.
Converts a Hex Code into a Color Table
table = lib:hexCode2ColorTable( string )
Add a color code
Color Set (string, table or string)
Add a color code list
table = ["color name"] = color string or color table
lib:colorset( table )
c |r
string = lib:color( color, string )
You can also use color names, color tables and keywords as the first parameter.
The keyword used for the color is "playerclass".
As a second parameter, you can either use a normal text or keyword
The keyword currently used for the second parameter is "colorable".
This returns the color requested as a colortable.
The parameter is optional. It can be used to find colors that match the color name.
Table = lib:getNames ( [string])
Direct integrated
colors = { -- basic colors yellow = "ffff00", orange = "ff8000", red = "ff0000", violet = "ff00ff", blue = "0000ff", cyan = "00ffff", green = "00ff00", black = "000000", gray = "808080", white = "ffffff", -- wow money colors money_gold = "ffd700", money_silver = "eeeeef", money_copper = "f0a55f", }
There are 3 files called colors_ .lua file in the directory, and the lines in LibColors.xml to use.
On the top of each file, you will find the sources for color sets.
About Project
Created: March 2nd 2024
Updated: March 2nd 2024
Project ID: 26750
License: All Rights Reserved
Game Versions:
WoW Retail
Main File
March 2nd 2024
Recent File
March 2nd 2024