


By: awhiteguy
Addon | img 654



i really hate the formatting options curseforge and asa ingame mod browser offers. i miss steam mod pages :( sorry if the desc layout looks like crap

This mod in its current state is a work in progress. Expect bugs, issues, additional structures, changes, nerfs/tweaks.

Since this mod contains additions to the base game not everything is meant to be over powering, an upgrade, or a replacement to the vanilla counterpart. There may be trade offs involved or niche uses for items in this mod. Some things you may not like or want to use while others you may find very valuable and useful to have.

Currently added: A+ Air Conditioner - more range and power and less noise, snap point stackable, altered build cost A+ Blueprint Vault - mini vault that holds blueprints A+ Fabricator - slightly smaller, crafts much faster, makes less noise, reduced inventory slots, can place on ground, altered build cost A+ Feeding Trough - way more max range, less inventory slots, inventory can take additional items, inventory blocks several non food type edibles, altered build cost A+ Industrial Forge - much smaller, cooks faster, altered build cost, has less inventory slots, can place on ground A+ Metal Water Intake - much larger range, does not need water to be placed, can only be placed on terrain, altered build cost A+ Power Generator - much larger range, makes less noise, less inventory slots, altered build cost A+ Refrigerator - slightly less inventory slots, inventory can take additional items, altered build cost, snap point stackable A+ Smithy - crafts much faster, altered build cost, has less inventory slots, can place on ground A+ Vault - slightly more inventory slots, snap point stackable, slightly smaller size

All structures when placed are colored black for better identification, can be custom named for tribe log identification, unlocks after learning their vanilla counterpart, cost 0 engram points, can be made in vanilla or a+ crafting stations, cannot be placed nearby enemy foundations, and can be rotated before placement.

Working on: A+ Feeding Trough - finding trade off ideas (takes only certain foods but has better spoil timer?) A+ Plant X Turret - finding trade off ideas (slower but stronger hits, different types of effects when hit?)

Planning for: emote wheel option - toggles hiding dino name on tame/claim vanilla anky/doed tweaks - allow to continue auto farming up to 100% max weight instead of the default 50% curseforge page - mod thumbnail and additional photos, better mod description layout in game - engrams and inventory icon branding

Learning how to: A+ Plant X Turret - filter options just like normal turrets A+ Feeding Trough - better visual indicator of range, stop from blocking spawns A+ Metal Storage Container - function as an pre-tek wireless crafting source

MOD ID: 949980

Spawn Codes: cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_AirConditioner_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_AirConditioner_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintVault_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintVault_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_Fabricator_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_Fabricator_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_FeedingTrough_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_FeedingTrough_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_IndustrialForge_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_IndustrialForge_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_MetalWaterIntake_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_MetalWaterIntake_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_PowerGenerator_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_PowerGenerator_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_Refrigerator_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_Refrigerator_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_Smithy_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_Smithy_arkplus" 1 0 0 false cheat giveitem "/arkplus/primalitem/PrimalItemStructure_Vault_arkplus.PrimalItemStructure_Vault_arkplus" 1 0 0 false

Engrams: EngramEntry_AirConditioner_arkplus EngramEntry_BlueprintVault_arkplus EngramEntry_Fabricator_arkplus EngramEntry_FeedingTrough_arkplus EngramEntry_IndustrialForge_arkplus EngramEntry_MetalWaterIntake_arkplus EngramEntry_PowerGenerator_arkplus EngramEntry_Refrigerator_arkplus EngramEntry_Smithy_arkplus EngramEntry_Vault_arkplus

About Project

Created: February 17th 2024

Updated: February 17th 2024

Project ID: 73160

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File
  • Release
  • February 17th 2024


    Recent File
  • Release
  • February 17th 2024




