

Improved Dino Loot (Cross Platform)

By: Quellcrest
Addon | img 23,468



Are you tired of unsatisfactory dino loot, yet disappointed that an amazing dino doesn't drop anything worth while? This mod's for you! This mod allows adding complex loot templates onto any dino; thus augmenting its existing loot. Ultimately adding, not replacing.

Compatible with both vanilla and mod dinos. Washable items. Clean & stackable designs are used. No vanilla assets have been edited.


Dinos receive their supplies through supply crate overrides. You can easily build one yourself using Beacon; its simple setup process and knowledgebase also offer much help in this regard. For additional reading on them please check the Ark Wiki page dedicated to them.

Create the loot templates you require. Give each a relevant name (CustomDinoLoot_Raptors or CustomDinoLoot_Argents for instance), and include them into the game.ini configuration file.


These are mod configs. As such, they should go in GameUserSettings.ini under [CustomDinoLoot], [CustomLotEntries=*rex* and*raptor* are for CustomDinoLoot_Rapttors and*argent* are for CustomDinoLoot_Argents and DinoFuzzyBlacklist=pego* and*ichthy* for dino FuzzyBlacklist="*pego* and*ichthy*].

Optional settings that should probably remain untouched:
CustomAoeBuffRange=15000.0 CustomAoeMinTimeSeconds=5.0

Config Settings Explained

DinoFuzzyBlacklist: Allows for editing only certain classes that do NOT belong in DinoFuzzyBlacklist eg Pega and Ichthy are NOT listed for example


Fancy dino class matches and their associated loot sets can be linked together using ",". Once this set has been formed, multiple sets may be strung together using the "&".


Are as follows:* Rex*:LootSet001 * Rex, Raptor* and silver:LootSet002 Rex,Raptor and silver are considered LootSets but here, one may include both as follows. :1 2 3 4. 25 6 55 17 18 19 3 14 16 [Red Bull,Tiger Shark etc...]. For these to work correctly they would all need the exact same sequence eg; Rex,Raptor* and Silver:LootSet001]. For these examples to work out the sequence described. For these examples just put here (Loot Set 002). For this set:1. rex and R, Raptor have equal roles: Loot Set 002.

Note: With fuzzy matches, * indicates wildcard characters. To properly compare dino class names to each other, either specify each class name individually or use wildcard symbols when matching.

Failed Class Matches:

Rex_Character_BP* Successful Class Matches: *rex* Rex_Character_BP** and Bionic Rex Character Bp Bp. (it should be noted that your dino may obtain multiple loot sets). An example could include this scenario:

LootSet001&002 for Raptor&aberrant characters respectively

Raptors will receive LootSet001 while all Aberrants will get LootSet002, meaning Aberrant Raptors will have both sets.

CustomAoeBuffRange: As this setting increases, dinos further away will get lootsets added; 300 = one foundation. By default it has been set at 15000, representing 50 foundations. CustomAoeMinTimeSeconds: Minimum time in seconds between checks for dinos to adjust themselves (default = 5 seconds).


For example provides you with the chance to give out half the items within each lootset randomly:

Beacon can make life much simpler if every entry in its database had the same weight value; let's use 10 as an example here. Now imagine you have 10 items, each weighted 10; add an inconsequential item(i.e. 1 piece of thatch), give this nondescript object 100 as weight value - making the total sum 100!
Increase the weight of dummy items to decrease your chance of good loot. Use the "Roll" button inside beacon to assess your chances.


Unfortunately, this system isn't foolproof - there's always the chance that faraway dinos or those killed quickly may not contain lootsets (please check configs), although its likelihood should be fairly small; should this become too often or you just feel like making adjustments you can alter settings using the configs.
Not all dinos in the wild possess inventories when killed, even if they generate loot when hit by weapons; any new items found will instead be placed into separate loot bags to prevent overwriting default ones. Beacon updated how you create custom loot sets.

About Project

Created: February 13th 2024

Updated: February 13th 2024

Project ID: 44633

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

Quellcrest_Improved Dino Loot (Cross Platform).zip
  • Release
  • February 13th 2024


    Recent File

    Quellcrest_Improved Dino Loot (Cross Platform).zip
  • Release
  • February 13th 2024




