

Easy Vessel Switch (EVS)

By: ihsoft
Addon | img 228,713



Easy Vessel Switch (EVS)

The stock game doesn't care much about the camera stabilization when you switch between the vessels. You can walk in EVA, enter a pod, and end up with a camera looking in the sky. Or you may want to take a closer look at some part of your big station, but the camera focus is bound to the station's center of mass, and the part of the interest is far away form it.

This mod can help you solving these troubles! With EVS:

  • ...the camera will stop jumping around randomly. There are two modes of stabilization that allow preserving the view in the scene (switch with F7)...
  •'re able to focus the view on any part of any vessel with a simple mouse click (with O hold, it's configurable)...
  • ...a new active vessel can be selected by simply holding ALT (configurable) and clicking on the vessel you like...
  • ...the basic info of a vessel can be quickly seen by simply hovering over it (with ALT hold)...

And this mod speaks 4 major languages in case of some of your kerbals are picky in this sense.

Demo media

  • VIDEO: Mod overview + tutorial
  • VIDEO: The part focus feature


You can support this and the other of my mods on Patreon. This is where I post my ideas, prototypes and the features development progress.

Other useful mods for EVA

If you want doing EVA comfortably, you really should consider adding these mods as well:

  • Kerbal Inventory System (KIS). Now you can build and upgrade vessels in EVA!
  • Kerbal Attachment System (KAS). Need to link two vessels? Just send out your kerbals EVA! Don't forget to update their inventories, though.
  • Surface Mounted Lights. Too dark for EVA on the other side of the moon? Problem solved with these ambient lights!

How to install

  • Recommended:
    • Install and run CKAN.
    • Search for "Easy Vessel Switch" or just "EVS", then install the mod.
    • Occasionally run CKAN client to update EVS (and other mods) to the latest version.
    • If you follow this path, then all the EVS dependencies will be updated automatically. It may save you a lot of time during the update.
  • Manual:
    • Download the ZIP archive:
      • From CurseForge.
      • From Spacedock.
      • From GitHub.
    • If you have an older version of the mod in your game, you must delete all the old files first! Do not just copy over, this will likely result in compatibility issues.
    • Unzip the release archive into the game's GameData folder.
      • Note, that names of the folders must be exactly like in the archive or the mod won't work.
    • Verify the installation: the mod's file must be located at <game root>/GameData/EVS/


Ask questions and propose suggestions on the forum.

About Project

Created: December 22nd 2023

Updated: December 22nd 2023

Project ID: 2981

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

ihsoft_Easy Vessel Switch (EVS).zip
  • Release
  • December 22nd 2023


    Recent File

    ihsoft_Easy Vessel Switch (EVS).zip
  • Release
  • December 22nd 2023




