


By: enno_de
Addon | img 105,418



SteadyPlates modifies the default nameplates to show additional markers for thread and interrupt armor. Also prevents them form hiding when speech bubbles appear in combat.

This addon doesn't replace, but enhances the default Carbine Nameplates. Therefore all the options of the default Carbine nameplates are still available. SteadyPlates fixes some glitches and adds additional features.

To open SteadyPlates settings use ESC menu or type /spl

Want positioning and keybinds for quest dialogs? Try UnitedDialogs.

SteadyPlates now finally supports custom colors for names and health bars. It also brings an option to share your color set with other people via export/import. Therefore, if you've created a nice color set, feel free to pm it to me here on curse, as i would like to include some nice color presets in the future and yours could be one of them.

SteadyPlates Features:

  • Threat Marker: Shown when a unit targets you (or optional a group member)
    You can choose between different icons and positions or disable it.
    Supports a tank mode with option "If in a group, invert threat marker to only show on units targeting one of your group members". Can also be limited to show when in group or instance only.
  • Interrupt Armor Marker: Shows a units interrupt armor value or immune status
    You can choose between different icons, including to show class icons for player characters, or disable it.
  • Cleanse Marker: Shown for friendly units with a removeable debuff
    You can choose between different icons and limit the marker to group members or disable it.
  • Can ensure nameplates of tall units to be still visible when a units body does rise above the top edge of the screen
    Chooseable for your target only or any unit when in combat. So when fighting a tall boss, especially as melee, you still can see his nameplate with this.
  • Can show nameplates on unit mouse over
    So for example you can have nameplates for friendly units only shown when targeted or mouse over to limit screen clutter. Can be disabled.
  • Option to target a unit by clicking on it's nameplate
    Default off, you have to enable this in SteadyPlates settings.
  • Control the speech bubbles hiding nameplates behaviour
    You can stop speech bubbles from hiding the talking units nameplate or allow it only for friendly units out of combat.
  • Can show the certain death marker for elite units
    This will extend the existing level difference based certain death marker to also show for elite units in your level range. Applies only when not in a group, to not disturb in dungeons or raids.
  • Various options to modify or hide the health/shield text on the health bar
    Adds an alternate, more compact text style with only current values and an optional percentage display. Shield text can be disabled, to only show the health text.
    Allows to control when the health text should be shown (Never, Always, Combat, Trageted), seperately for hostile, friendly and neutral units.
    Can show health deficit instead of the current value for friendly units.
    Option to disable the shield charging glow effect, for better readable text.
    Also supports to use a custom format for health text!
  • Supports custom colors for names and health/shield bar
    You can set colors differently for Self, NPCs, Pets and Players.
    Optional class colors and different colors based on pvp flag.
  • Option to show a seperate shield bar above the health bar
    Instead of showing the shield bar right of the health bar, it can be shown on top of it, as a separate bar. Absorb will still be shown right of the health bar.
  • Option to hide shield and absorb loss, so that units only look damaged when they are wounded
    Works great in conjunction with the "When damaged" setting for health bars, so that health bars only show up when there is something to heal.
  • Allows to hide the health bar but still show the unit name, until targeted
    Seperately activatable for hostile, friendly and neutral units.
  • Can show cast names or hide cast bars for units you're not targeting
    Seperately activatable for hostile, friendly and neutral units.
  • Can hide pets or NPCs until targeted
    Seperately activatable for hostile, friendly and neutral units.
  • Can hide your own cast bar or name and guild, to only show the health bar for yourself
    Best used in conjunction with the "When damaged" setting for health bars.
  • Can show if a unit has clustered units
    Works great in conjunction with mouse over to check if and how many combatants a unit will bring into a fight.
  • Can hide the border and background textures from the namplates
    Results in a more slight look.

    You can toggle these markers and also choose between different icons.

    SteadyPlates also fixes some glitches in Carbines nameplates:

    The default namplates didn't show the target marker correctly, this is fixed with SteadyPlates.

    It also fixes the "Show Misson and Quests" setting for nameplates to work independently form "Show Neutral/Hostile/Friendly Units". So when a quest wants you to interact with critters and you have "Show Neutral Units" disabled, you will now see the ones you need nevertheless, as long as they are still needed in a quest.


  • SteadyPlates makes use of GeminiColor and LibJSON from WildStar NASA.
  • Big thanks to curse user Dridzt for his code review and improvement suggestions.

  • Another project of mine is UnitedDialogs, which enhances NPC and Player dialog bubbles of quest dialogs with keyboard interaction, font settings and unites them to stick together. 

About Project

Created: December 8th 2023

Updated: December 8th 2023

Project ID: 18169

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File
  • Release
  • December 8th 2023


    Recent File
  • Release
  • December 8th 2023




