

The Zergling

By: _ForgeUser7215032
Addon | img 633



On this fine Christmas Morning I was browsing around my files and, to my surprise, I found these old files! Why not release them since these are finished? There's no reason not to! Hope you enjoy!


How far would you go to save the woman you love?

Would you cross the world to find her? Would you resist fire, storm, acid, machine guns, lasers, bombs, aliens and whatever else lied in your path?

Well, this zergling would!

After the defeat of the Queen of Blades, a new era was born for the Zerg. Without their master mind to control their every action, they were now free to do as they desired. And what a certain Zergling wanted was simple, but beautifull... love.

Yes! The simplest of the Zerg lifeforms found it's way to one of the most complex of emotions! The Zergling was loving, loving a Queen for that matter!

And most surprising, the Queen was loving this simpleton as well!

Alas, love doesn't come with ease to the likes of them, for they differences were far too great to be cast aside!

Terrans, Protoss and Zergs alike found this to be an abomination!

The Terrans could not understand how this happened; The Protoss found it to be simply grotesque (ask your friendly Zealot neighbour what he thinks of inter-racial Zerg copulating and you'll get what I'm saying); And the Zerg could not allow a Queen to get involved with one of the lowest and more expendable of their ranks.

Curious as humans are, they took the Queen away from the poor Zergling to study why the furious and malevolent Zerg was experiencing such emotions.

And there lied the first of many obstacles for our mighty Zergling hero!

Will he be able to rescue his Queen from the Terran Scientists? Will he be able to rise above prejudice and be with the one he loves?


In this map you will control a Zergling in a platformer like environment, fighting all kinds of enemies and seeking all kinds of items to aid you on your quest for the Queen. Kinda like a Mario game, but with Zerglings, machine guns, cannons and less mushrooms (perhaps more, still not sure).

About Project

Created: October 10th 2023

Updated: October 10th 2023

Project ID: 86227

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

  • Release
  • October 10th 2023


    Recent File

  • Release
  • October 10th 2023




