

The Rise of the New Agent

By: _ForgeUser4246308
Addon | img 4,155



Campaign Info
Title: The Rise of the New Agent
My Characters:
Kheldrun (Hydralisk Hero) - New Agent of the Swarm, birthed by the Overmind
Rhalnos (tentative name - Protoss Zealot Hero)

Blizzard Characters:
The Overmind
Jim Raynor

Basic Plot: After the Overmind settled on Auir, he began to create a new being: an Agent of the Swarm embodied in the form of a hydralisk with the undying powers of a cerebrate. This Agent of the Swarm is named Kheldrun. Why, though, did the Overmind create him when Kerrigan is already his Agent? There is no answer... at least for now. Now, Kheldrun is being trained in the ways of controlling the zerg, and obtaining his own brood. The Overmind has a purpose for the psionic hydralisk, one which is vital to Kheldrun's training, and to something else...

Yet, the Overmind is destroyed before young Kheldrun was told his purpose, and now, he is left to himself. Looking for hope, the new Agent comes across legends, both of good, evil, and gray. And during these encounters, he will discover unlikely allies, and unlikely enemies.

The battle for the Swarm has only begun!

- Back in the saddle! I installed SC1BW again, and it works wonderfully on Windows 10. The only thing is, I have to decide whether to remake the maps with the StarCraft: Mass Recall MOD, or just use SC1BW. I'm also a bit out of where I left off in the story, and sadly, I left no notes. So, I have no idea what's going to happen next. XD But I'll get it together. However, I cannot guarantee I'll finish this as I am looking for full-time work, and well, real life is more important. Regardless, I'll still do as much as possible.

Map 01: Size - 192x128; Terrain - Jungle
Map 02: Size - 128x128; Terrain - Jungle
Map 03: Size - 128x128; Terrain - Twilight
Map 04: Size - 96x192; Terrain - Twilight
Map 05: Size - 128x128; Terrain - Space Platform
Map 06: Size - ??x??; Terrain - Installation

Things I'm concerned about at the moment:

  • Mission 04's Difficulty - I'm not sure if Mission 04 is too hard or too easy for the current build. I usually cheated through it to test it and I'm really sick of the level because of all the testing. :P Anyway, I need people to test it (after testing Missions 01-03) to see how difficult it is.
  • Dialogue - How does the dialogue hold up in my campaign?

About Project

Created: October 7th 2023

Updated: October 7th 2023

Project ID: 5366

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

_ForgeUser4246308_The Rise of the New
  • Release
  • October 7th 2023


    Recent File

    _ForgeUser4246308_The Rise of the New
  • Release
  • October 7th 2023




