What is Weather?
Weather is a .Sc2mod file containing a library which gives the user the capability to create weather systems in their maps.
This mod will be featured in Warcraft: A new Dawn. It was created for this mod in particular but was released as a stand-alone for the community.
Ie.: Say you have an RPG which is situated in a forest. Wouldn't it be nice if it rained once in a while?
"Weather" has been uploaded to B.net (NA). Add through B.net to stay up-to-date constantly.
Current Capabilities
Weather comes equipped with four different "Weather Types". Forest (Rainy), Desert (Windy dust), Snow, Heat Wave(Sun/winds). Each can be set at different intensities (Light, Medium, Heavy).
User Manual
"Weather" currently uses "+Weather" action definition to start a chain reaction that creates a storm for an approximate X number of time and a Clear Skies for an approximate X number of time. Note that the storm & clear skies period will last longer than the bounds you set it too. The purpose was to give each storm a receding feeling. Also it reduces the stress on the engine.
+Weather( "Weather Type", "Weather Intensity","Storm ID", "Storm min duration", "Storm max duration", "Clear skies min duration", "Clear skies max duration")
I recommend a minimum of 5 seconds between each storm creation.
+Weather Stop( "Storm Id")
If you Run this mod at it's maximum capacity. You are creating (75 Doodads actors + 15 Sound actors) x 12 storms = 1080 total actors on the map ) Use wisely.
What's left to do on this? Is it at it's final version?
No. I want to give the user the capability to choose between random intensity storms and constant intensity.
Please give Credit if you use this mod.
About Project
Created: October 2nd 2023
Updated: October 2nd 2023
Project ID: 12396
License: All Rights Reserved
Game Versions:
WoW Retail
Main File
October 2nd 2023
Recent File
October 2nd 2023