


By: _ForgeUser55361
Addon | img 2,167




What is Weather?

Weather is a .Sc2mod file containing a library which gives the user the capability to create weather systems in their maps.

This mod will be featured in Warcraft: A new Dawn. It was created for this mod in particular but was released as a stand-alone for the community.

Ie.: Say you have an RPG which is situated in a forest. Wouldn't it be nice if it rained once in a while?

"Weather" has been uploaded to (NA). Add through to stay up-to-date constantly.

Current Capabilities

Weather comes equipped with four different "Weather Types". Forest (Rainy), Desert (Windy dust), Snow, Heat Wave(Sun/winds). Each can be set at different intensities (Light, Medium, Heavy).

  • Beta 3 Addition:
  1. Multiple Storms (12 Storms Maximum. Storm ID from 0 to 11)
  2. The ability to stop a specific storm.
  3. Storms are no longuer bound to the whole map. The user has the ability to choose a specific region.
  4. Added SFX

User Manual

"Weather" currently uses "+Weather" action definition to start a chain reaction that creates a storm for an approximate X number of time and a Clear Skies for an approximate X number of time. Note that the storm & clear skies period will last longer than the bounds you set it too. The purpose was to give each storm a receding feeling. Also it reduces the stress on the engine.

+Weather( "Weather Type", "Weather Intensity","Storm ID", "Storm min duration", "Storm max duration", "Clear skies min duration", "Clear skies max duration")

  • "Weather Type" : Click on the parameter on the action and select the "Preset" button.
  • "Weather Intensity" : Same as "Weather Type"
  • "Storm ID" : Each storm must have a differant storm id. Otherwise your storms will stack in the record and probably create errors.
  • "Storm min&max duration" : I recommend not setting the max duration for more than 120 seconds. Also do not set the min duration higher than the max.
  • "Clear skies min&max duration" : Same as "Storm" settings.

I recommend a minimum of 5 seconds between each storm creation.

+Weather Stop( "Storm Id")

  • This value is used to recall which storm is where within the record.

If you Run this mod at it's maximum capacity. You are creating (75 Doodads actors + 15 Sound actors) x 12 storms = 1080 total actors on the map ) Use wisely.

What's left to do on this? Is it at it's final version?

No. I want to give the user the capability to choose between random intensity storms and constant intensity.

Please give Credit if you use this mod.

Stress Test Beta 3

Version History

  • Beta 3.1 Heat Wave Hot Fix
  • Adjusted the timing of the "SFX actors" removal. The sounds should disapear roughly at the same time as the storm everytime now.
  • Beta 3
  • Added +Weather Stop(Storm ID) Call this function to stop a storm completely. It will finish the current storm and stop.
  • Added Multiple storm capabilities. 256 version is removed.
  • Added SFX
  1. Heat Wave Changed the "Sun Ray" max count to 50. No Wind will be created on Light/Medium. Removed SFX from Light/Medium Settings
  2. Snow Changed the "Snow Emitter" to spawn completely in light and into medium. Reduced the amount of "Winter Winds" actors.
  • Beta 2
  1. Changed the rain of the "Snow Weather Type" from "Rain Emitter Large" to "Rain Sprinkler".
  2. Reworked the "Blizzard". Added 50% Transparency to the actor.
  3. Changed the model used to achieve the "Blizzard" effect from "Dust Storm" to "Wind Emitter Medium"
  4. Created separate version of the mod for very large maps. Beta 2 has a maximum of 75 actors and Beta 2.256 has a maximum of 225.
  • Beta 1
  1. First Version to be released. Was optimized from alpha.

Known Bugs

No Known Bugs at this time, but the sound system needs to be reworked as it is unbalanced sometimes.

About Project

Created: September 30th 2023

Updated: September 30th 2023

Project ID: 96590

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File
  • Release
  • September 30th 2023


    Recent File
  • Release
  • September 30th 2023




