Open Empty Containers mod will place empty containers with open/close animations in constantly open state allowing you to quickly visaully identify empty containers preventing those annoying hastly openings.
Some items are invisible when spawned in the container and the container shows as empty. Feel free to contact me so i can modify the mod to properly work with those items.
If you got a savegame running an older version of the mod and buggy containers that do not show as they should you can either wait for a cell reset or manually remove the troublesome items from the container. So far the identified buggy items refs are 104b3f and 104b40. The steps you need to do to remove those from the container are:
- open your console
- click on the container to get its reference id
- type in the console: "removeitem <buggy RefId> 1" replacing <buggy RefId> with so far identified buggy ids
- repeat the latter for every known buggy ids (104b3f, 104b40)
- the container will now be properly emptied and the mod will work on it as it should
v0.300 - identified the problem with empty containers not properly recognized as empty
- remade with mod ommiting all the extra used for testing
v0.201 - released public beta
About Project
Created: September 18th 2023
Updated: September 18th 2023
Project ID: 49370
License: All Rights Reserved
Game Versions:
WoW Retail
Main File
September 18th 2023
Recent File
September 18th 2023