

Auxiliary Soundtrack (Oh Eight)

By: Joalek115
Addon | img 301



This is the result of me experimenting and messing around. This pack uses music_definitions.json, and sound_definitions.json to control where and what music is played.

Music Events are located in sound_definitions.json and they act as a playlist. The "swamp_music" event plays the songs specified in sound_definitions.json; these are Aerie, Firebugs and Labyrinthine.


These songs can be arranged in a music event but won't play if it doesn't have a proper location. Music_definitions.json specifies where the Music event is played. The "Swampmusic" music event is listed under three locations in Music_definitions.json. These are mangroveswamp, swampland, and swamplandmutated. When in these locations the music will play from the "Swampmusic" music event "playlist". "Swampmusic" event is replaced by " " event in this pack.


This pack makes a new music event called "" which includes the main Minecraft OST and music from Oh Eight. Songs by Oh Eight have a custom directory in sounds in this pack. This pack also includes songs from the normal soundtrack: calm1, calm2, calm3, hal1, hal2, hal3, hal4, nuance1, nuance2, piano1, piano2, piano3, one more day, floating dream, left to bloom, comforting memories, aerie, fire bugs, labyrinthine, stand tall, infinite amethyst, an ordinary day, wending, axolotl, dragon fish, shuniji, creative 1 (Biome fest), creative 2 (Blind Spots), creative 3 (Haunt Muskie), creative 4 (Aria Math), creative 5 (Dreiton), and creative 6 (Taswell).


I ended up replacing all the biome related music events with the " auxiliary " because it won't play if you're in specific biomes like mangrove swamps. It would be ideal to customize music for each biome. It's an arduous task. I was going to do something like that but then I tried specifying the "desert" biome for desert themed music but it doesn't seem to have a proper location or something in "music_definitions.json". I could assign music to places like the mangrove swamps but couldn't assign it to the desert which bums me out. Probably because it's an older biome. The newer biomes all have music events tied to them. If anyone knows how to make a older biome have a specific music event through a resource pack let me know thanks. I haven't really seen too many mods (besides music players) that customizes the soundtrack

About Project

Created: September 14th 2023

Updated: September 14th 2023

Project ID: 5356

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

Joalek115_Auxiliary Soundtrack (Oh Eight).zip
  • Release
  • September 14th 2023


    Recent File

    Joalek115_Auxiliary Soundtrack (Oh Eight).zip
  • Release
  • September 14th 2023




