

More Traders Plus

By: mcbedrockcreations
Addon | img 425




This add-on is featured here and on GitHub. If this add-on is on any other website, it is not uploaded by Bedrock Creations.


Bedrock Creations More Traders Plus is a quality-of-life add-on that adds a variety of wandering traders, their work blocks, and recipes along with some other features into the game. Work blocks are currently only for decoration purposes. If you're interested in having a more balanced survival game, along with a better variety of wandering traders with superior, yet balanced, trades compared to their vanilla trades, then this add-on is for you. The new traders and their work blocks were ported from a Java mod by SameDifferent, adhering to their MIT license.




This add-on currently adds 8 new wandering traders and their work blocks, along with a crate decoration block and a new ore to mine. Many vanilla recipes were balanced, and new recipes were also added to bring more enjoyment into survival. The default wandering trader trades were overhauled to provide more purposeful trades, and with the removal of some trades for items that are found too commonly throughout the world. The default wandering trader now also makes 10 trades versus the default 6. The 8 wandering trader variants trade for their respectively named items. Wandering trader’s useless trades are no longer laughable amongst villagers. In fact, there's some jealousy amongst villagers.



 Many vanilla recipes were changed or added stemming from community discussion. Those that were balanced mostly include:

  • carpet,
  • wood stairs, and
  • armor.


Other recipes were added to make non-renewable resources renewable, which mostly include:

  • glowstone and mushrooms.


Some recipes were added for an easier take on survival or decoration purposes. There are many of these, and not to spoil all of them, some of these include:

  • bells (why should these only be available to villagers?),
  • compressed cobblestone, deepslate, dirt, and gravel (reduces chests and barrels needed for storage of these blocks),
  • elytra (should not be an end-game item, considering the cost of gun powder, and flying is not an end-game concept in modded Java MC),
  • mob spawners (why look for so long, or cheat for their locations?),
  • name tags (so what if I like to have 150 parrots and cats, why should I fish for so long to obtain names for each of them!?),
  • totems (everyone deserves a second or third chance), and
  • tridents (we must defeat the drowned army and create as many charged creepers as possible for science!).


Egg ore


Speaking of mob spawners, the new ore, found between -16 and 112 Y-levels, offers you the ability to mine for different spawn eggs. They spawn most commonly near level 50 and have a generated rarity similar to lapis lazuli. There's no guarantee an egg will be found when mining these, and more useful eggs for adding to your mob spawner are difficult to find. Should you find the perfect egg, loot farms may be much easier to set up versus finding them in the game or using a block finder. You may also get eggs for mobs that aren't nearby your spawn. There are 20 possible eggs that drop - can you find them all? Rumor has it, you'll need a iron pickaxe or better to mine these.


Experimental feature options


There are experimental features you must enable before using this add-on. You must enable everything except "Gametest Framework."



If you encounter a bug or other issue with this add-on, please report it on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Please add as much information as possible to help resolving bugs.




Q. Can I use this add-on in another add-on pack or video?

A. Yes, feel free to use this add-on in another add-on pack or video. Keep in mind the following before doing so:

  • Give credit, and do not claim More Traders Plus as your own creation. SameDifferent and Bedrock Creations must be credited.
  • The license must be included or linked with the add-on.


Q. Can I repost your add-on to another hosting website?

A. No, you cannot repost this add-on to any other websites without express permission by Bedrock Creations.

About Project

Created: September 13th 2023

Updated: September 13th 2023

Project ID: 82152

License: All Rights Reserved


Game Versions:








WoW Retail






Main File

mcbedrockcreations_More Traders
  • Release
  • September 13th 2023


    Recent File

    mcbedrockcreations_More Traders
  • Release
  • September 13th 2023




