Familiar Types
There are five types of familiar at the moment:
Dust - a Dust Sprite familiar
Dino - a Pepper Rex familiar
Bat - a Bat familiar
Junimo - a Junimo Familiar
Butterfly - a Butterfly Familiar
Getting Familiars (The Official Way)
To acquire a familiar, you need to incubate and hatch a familiar egg in the Slime Incubator.
Getting familiar eggs is not an easy task! Read here if you want hints on how to get them. Read here if you want explicit instructions.
Once you have the egg, place it in the Slime Incubator and wait.
For Cheaters
To directly summon a familiar if you have enabled cheats in the config file, you need to use the SMAPI console. Just click on the console and type the following:
CF <FamiliarType>
where <FamiliarType> is one of "Bat", "Dino", "Dust", "Junimo", or "BF".
So to call a bat familiar, type:
CF Bat
then press Enter.
To get a Familiar Egg, you can use CJB Item Spawner.
You can colour your familiars as well or set custom texture paths (useful for Content Patcher packs) using the config file. There are colourable textures in the mod's asset folder for all except the Junimo and Butterfly. If you want to use them, just set the following values in the config file:
"BatTexture": "Characters/Monsters/BatFamiliar",
"DinoTexture": "Characters/Monsters/DinoFamiliar",
"DustTexture": "Characters/Monsters/DustSpiritFamiliar",
"BatColorType": "custom",
"DinoColorType": "custom",
"DustColorType": "custom",
and then edit the color values in the config as you like (they are in RGBA 0-255 notation). You can also set the ColorType entries to "random" and each familiar will get random coloring, according to the following:
There are up to four colours per familiar, one main colour that replaces greys with shades of that color, and three colours that replace pure red, green, and blue in the texture files.
For Junimo, there is only one colour, mainColor. Setting JunimoColorType to "default" uses the game's default set of random Junimo colors. Setting it to "random" makes the Junimo's color truly random. Setting it to "custom" makes it use the JunimoMainColor config setting.
Future Plans
About Project
Created: September 5th 2023
Updated: September 5th 2023
Project ID: 28376
License: All Rights Reserved
Game Versions:
WoW Retail
Main File
September 5th 2023
Recent File
September 5th 2023